covid 19 guidelines

Junior Gym’s

Covid-19 Health Screening Questions

We want you to know that we take your health and safety very seriously. Therefore, we are asking you to conduct a self-evaluation health assessment.

1- Do you have any of the following symptoms, that are unusual for you?

• Cough

• Shortness of breath

• Sore throat

• Chills and body aches

2- Do you have any of the following symptoms?

• Diarrhea

• Nausea/vomiting

3- Do you have, or feel like you have, a fever?

4- Do you have a member of your household suspected or diagnosed with COVID-19?

Please avoid entering the facility if you answered “YES” to any of the questions

For the protection of our clients, we have also asked all coaches and vendors to conduct a daily health screen upon entering our gym.

Be Safe.

Thank you for understanding.

Junior Gym

We have implemented and are enforcing the following

    • Masks are optional
    • Please respect 6 ft social distancing
    • Coaches and children are required to wash hands before and after class
    • Hand sanitizer is readily available throughout our facility
    • There is no hand-holding or contact during classes EXCEPT when a gymnast’s safety is at risk
    • Playroom and drinking fountain are currently off limits
    • We are disinfecting daily as per governmental protocol

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding with our new reduced schedule and  occupancy limits